
“Don’t forget to breathe!” is something I hear often whenever I am following a workout video. It seems like a silly thing to say. How can we forget to breathe? Yet, we do. There are many times in my workout when I  realize I am holding my breath even with the instructor’s reminders. Why do we do that? Why do we hold our breath when the very thing we need to do is breathe?! 

For the past several years I have selected a word for the year. As I reflected on last year and made my selection for this year, I decided to look up the meaning of this word. I was surprised to discover that breathe has several different definitions. Here are a few of the ones I particularly liked:

  • Inhale and exhale freely 
  • To pause and rest before continuing
  • To feel free of restraint 
  • To send out by exhaling
  • To instill by or as if by breathing (breathe new life into…)
  • To take in
  • To give rest from exertion to
  • To spend a great deal of time, thought, or effort on (something): to be wholly devoted to (some interest or activity)
  • To enjoy relief 

There are so many ways this word speaks to me now. It is the perfect word for 2022. Especially as we think about all we have endured the last couple of years. In some ways, we have been in a constant state of exertion. I lost my father this past year and continue to support my mother as she adjusts and grieves. I’ve also struggled to start a new business in the middle of a pandemic. Add these things to the other regular stresses of life and it becomes a lot to manage. There are so many reasons we all need to remember to breathe. 

I’ve written “breathe” on a post-it and placed it on the wall above my computer. Hopefully this will remind me to pause and rest before continuing throughout my day. To exhale all the junk, lies, misconceptions, tough moments,  hurt,  frustration, missed opportunities, and particularly harsh words my shame attendant throws at me. 

It’s also a reminder to inhale all God’s goodness, love, mercy, faithfulness, peace, grace, and kindness. James tells us,

“Every good gift, every perfect gift, comes from above. These gifts come down from the Father, the creator of the heavenly lights, in whose character there is no change at all.” (CEB)

James 1:17

How can I receive the good gifts of the Father if I’m too busy or forget to breathe in all the goodness God has to offer me? The fruit of the Spirit cannot be present in me if I do not yield to the Holy Spirit in me. As I pondered all this, I made a list of all the ways I needed to remember to breathe…

Breathe freely without restraint

Breathe in hope

Breathe with expectancy

Breathe to sacrifice myself for others

Breathe to exercise self-control and good disciplines

Breathe to experience peace, joy, love

Breathe to remember God’s faithfulness

Breathe to let go of resentment, frustration, and control of myself and others

Breathe for rest and restoration

Breathe for renewed energy

Breathe to reframe the moment and see a different perspective

Breathe to pause and regroup

Breathe to be present for others

Breathe in life, new life!

Breathe for endurance

Breathe for health

Breathe out me and breathe in more of God

Breathe to focus on Jesus, inhale the Word of God, and the renewing power of the Holy Spirit!

Join me friends. Take this moment. Breathe in God and breathe out all the junk that keeps you from enjoying the good things God has in store for each of us!

Next Step

Where do you need to find room to breathe? 

As a Certified Enneagram Coach, I can provide you with steps to help you identify what internal behaviors keep you stuck in a pattern of constant exertion. I can also remind you to breathe!