
When you hear the expression self-awareness, how do you react? What thoughts, feelings, and emotions do you have? Take a moment to think about this.

Just answering those questions is a step towards self-awareness. A definition of self-awareness is the ability to tune in to your feelings, thoughts, and actions. Another definition is a conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, desires, and motivations. Your response to these questions also communicates how open you are to having self-awareness. 

Continue reading “Self-Awareness”


The lights flicker and go out. A voice asks if they should call an electrician. The person on the couch responds with indifference as the lights flicker again. It’s getting worse, but, again, the two people decide they can either figure it out themselves or that maybe the problem will resolve itself. This scene I’m describing isn’t really about electricity. It’s a commercial encouraging those who are struggling with difficulties to seek help. 

Continue reading “Resistance”


“I really don’t like people.” The words stung and caught my attention, even as I laughed. The conversation was between myself and a person I had just met. It immediately brought judgment, but not possibly in the way you might think. It wasn’t the other person who was making the statement. It was me. I was the one who found myself admitting that out loud.

As I heard the words come from my mouth, I realized how sad it was that I truly felt that way. As I listened to myself, it was like God smacking me in the face and saying, “How can you serve my people if you don’t like them?” Pow!! 

Continue reading “Control”